Did you know that there are about 7.000 languages in the world? About 97% of the world’s population speaks only 4 % of these languages, while only 3 % of the world speak 96% of all remaining languages. A great majority of those languages, spoken mainly by indigenous peoples, will…
Did you know that there are about 7.000 languages in the world? About 97% of the world’s population speaks only 4 % of these languages, while only 3 % of the world speak 96% of all remaining languages. A great majority of those languages, spoken mainly by indigenous peoples, will…
Translation is the act of transposing a text from one language into another. Localization goes further: it involves a cultural dimension. Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific region or market. Translation is only one of several elements of the localization process. The aim of…
Trading globally is crucial for all industries. Mastering the local language is always a key for success for any companies. According to the most recent EuroBarometer report, English is significantly less popular than we would like to believe. For example, it is the second language of only 39 percent of…
People think translation is easy and straightforward. Try to use any translation tool online and translate “siren” in Spanish. Now, to “sound the fire truck siren” might turn into “sound the fire truck mermaid”. And this is just a very simple example of what machine translation can do. Imagine what…